
His first appearance on a television show was in 1989, when he appeared on ET 2's “Ela Sto Fos”. During the first Greek reality show Giorgos (then called Vasilliou) was chosen amongst 1500 young actors, singers, and dancers in total of which 20 of them succeeded in being selected in the final round. While on the show, he studied dance with Daniel Lomel, acting with Niki Triantafyllidou, music with Giorgos Hatzinasios, while being taught by the experiences of Minos Volonakis, Lakis Lazopoulos and other great artists of the field. During the summer of that same year, he auditioned and won a part in Minos Volonaki’ s play “Sophocles -Antigone", with music by Mikis Theodorakis, playing with the legendary Aliki Vougiouklaki who was the leading actress. The rehearsals of the show lasted over two months and the show premiered at the ancient theater of Epidaurus. At just 17 years old Giorgos takes part at the ancient dance which was one of the greatest experiences for someone who was as young. He was the first to appear at such a young age at a dance in Epidaurus. The same summer he decides to change his path and find himself from the theater field to the field of music. In September 1991, composer Avet Kyzirian declared participation in the “Thessaloniki Festival” with the song "Den me theleis tolmiro " chosen Giorgos as the singer. It's that moment where Giorgos Vassiliou changes into Giorgos Alkaios. Giorgos wins the first performance award and begins his career. Returning to Athens, he signs his first four-year contract with BMG.

Giorgos is not only limited to interpretation but is actively involved in composition and lyrics. Before the release of his first album Giorgos Alkaios writes songs for other artists as well. Alexia performs" Xypnai o allos mou eaftos” , a song used by a soft drink advertising campaign and Notis Sfakianakis performs "Opa-Opa", "Deftera Heria" and " Pes Mou Na Pethano". Songs that are still known for their great success throughout the years. Miltos Karatzas, at the time director of the BMG discography, released the first album of Giorgos Alkaios, "Me Ligo Trak", while lyrics were written by Evi Droutsa. The song "Ti - Ti "stands out in the Greek music scene as it is the first-time that oriental sound and western POP are combined in one song, something that changed the musical data of the time. Τhereinafter 6 albums followed and one success leads to another, 5 gold discs and 3 platinums. A black scarf on his right hand becomes his trademark for the next 5 years. He is the only Greek artist who openly embraced fashion.

The huge success combined with the low profile of his character was enough, so by the expiration of his contract with BMG, he accepted several important proposals from almost all record labels. SONY MUSIC is the company that manages to acquire Giorgo Alkaio in their team. The first album released by his new company is titled “Ichi Siopis “which shocks all Greece with the extreme photo shoot and the new look of Giorgos. In less than 24 hours the record becomes Platinum and the records that follow up (4 of them) become gold and 2 of them, platinum as well. In 2003 and with the expiration of his contract, Giorgos Alkaios, after two major contracts with multinational companies, decides to switch to a purely Greek record label. ALPHA RECORDS gave him the opportunity to be creative in music, which made him accept their collaboration proposal. In addition to his success in signing to the company, the cover of his first cd on ALPHA RECORDS, is reminiscent of a DVD. In 2004, a special edition was released by the same record label with 12 new songs and a 2-hour DVD dedicated to all his artistic career (songs - video clips and amateur shots from concerts). Well-known personalities from all areas (singers, actors, models, presenters, journalists) speak about him. In 2006 Giorgos and Miltos Karatzas meet again in discography. This time their collaboration takes place under the roof of Virus Music, with a two-year contract. Giorgos dreams of creating his own music company and that dream is now taking shape. In November 2008 Giorgos Alkaios along with Dionysis Schinas create Friends Music Factory, the company that produces audio, video and printed material. Friends Music Factory is the first company in Greece to distribute cds in kiosks and bookstores, thus opening the market for the sale of cds from 180 to 14.000 points. Friends Music Factory not only leads on the points of sale but also at the price of the cds as it manages to lower the price at 9.90€, making the rest multinational companies of our country to follow their example. “To diko mas paramythi” is the first Giorgos’ project that is signed by his own company. There is also a surprised duet with Areti Ketime taking part. With this collaboration to the song “Ama den se do”, Giorgos and Areti manage to combine commercial and art music. During his music career Giorgos Alkaios has given music to tv shows to private channels that managed to gain high television viewing, titles of the beginning of private television series as well as the brand of the television station Alpha, the period that Dimitris Kontominas owned it.
1992 - 2008DISCOGRAPHY

· The fame of Giorgos has crossed the borders of our country and is especially loved wherever Greek civilization appears. · He is one of the few Greek artists that the past ten years own the record of constantly visiting Cyprus, Germany, England, Canada, Australia, and USA for concerts. · Abroad, Giorgos Alkaios is considered an ethnic artist and for that reason he has performed to very popular music stages and theaters. House of Blues, Manhattan Center, Metro, Taj Mahal, Crown, Fox Studios, Vic Theater are some of the stages that he has performed. Recently he performed two concerts at Concert Hall in Tirana, Albania, while he has accepted 2 suggestions to perform in Bulgaria and Romania. · All these years, over than 300.000 people have attended Giorgos concerts. · Giorgos Alkaios name is not only known in the Greek charts but also international. · In 2000 the song “Simadi” consists of the collection of Buddha Bar in France. He is the first Greek artist that appears in such a collection. · One year later, “Sirmatoplegma” becomes the anthem of the famous Turkish team Galata Sarai, when the team wins the Intercontinental Cup and UEFA CUP. · His first platinum album abroad comes from Sweden. Antique perform “Opa-Opa” and conquer Europe. · The same song is performed by one of the greatest modern music artists of the Greek stage, Despoina Vandi, continuing her success abroad, conquering the first place in international radio charts. · In 2006 “Opa-Opa” becomes the soundtrack of the Hollywood movie “Children of men”, staring Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, and director Alfonso Cuaron. The movie was proposed for 3 Oscars. · “S’ agapao” has already been translated in English and it expects to be released by a foreign artist. · The same song has been performed and has become a great success in Eastern Europe from a famous Romanian singer, even though Giorgos has not given his permission for its release. · “Ki olo mou leipeis” constitutes the music sign of the biggest radio and television group of Bulgaria. · The song “to ksera (na, na, na) becomes one of the biggest hits in Bulgaria, Servia and Armenia. · “Sirtis” is performed by a Turkish singer, Tanyeli, conquering the top of the neighboring radio charts.
With OPA! In Eurovision

In 2010 Giorgos Alkaios takes part at the Greek competition for the presentation of our country to Eurovision. Once again, Giorgos dares to take part to the competition with a Greek song. Opa, with his own music and the lyrics of Giannis Antoniou and Friends, is chosen from the Greek audience and travels to Oslo, where the Eurovision competition is organized. With Friends on stage, Giorgos gives the best of him and conquers the 8th place amongst the best songs in Europe. Opa is the only song with Greek lyrics that manages to climb in the ten first places, and that was what made the difference. Opa steals the scene and is played in all radio stations in Europe until today. Opa has already been remixed in Israeli, while one of the most famous singers in Turkey dares to perform the song in Greek language, with a huge success at the neighboring country.
2010With OPA! In Eurovision

Right after his return from Oslo Giorgos makes a series of concerts in Greece, while in the end of November he flies to Australia to perform. Once again, the homogeneity “hugs” Giorgos and his team overcrowding the spaces in which they appear…. Sidney, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Darwin are some of the cities- stations of his tour. When he is finally back to Greece, he returns to the studio for his recording of his new cd “Déjà vu”. An anniversary cd in which he will celebrate his 20 years in discography. 20 great hits in unique remakes that will make a huge impression and will change the country’s music perception once again. His records take place in London and Athens while mastering in Sydney of Australia and is expected to be released at the start of May. His low-profile character and his uniqueness as an artist appeared with his decision to leave Athens and the city rhythms and move to Milos. A decision that "shook" the artistic and journalistic community, highlighting his special personality. As a resident of his favorite island and with a house in front of the beach, Giorgos full of inspiration and creativity records new music that will surely surprise us. In Milos, Giorgos shows his artistic creativity not only in music, but also creating ten private suites, that are known as the island “treasure”. Suites that are addressed for people all over the world, who are looking for calmness, inspiration, and an absolute connection with nature.